About the Project

The Mondrian Edition Project was initiated by the RKD – Netherlands Institute for Art History and the Huygens Institute for  the History and Culture of the Netherlands (KNAW). The Kunstmuseum Den Haag is permanent partner of the project.

Project Organisation


Wietse Coppes, Curator Mondrian & De Stijl, RKD
Leo Jansen, Senior Researcher, Huygens Institute (2014-2024)
Bram Oostveen, Researcher, Huygens Institute
Marc van Zoggel, Researcher, Huygens Institute

Technical Consultant

Peter Boot, Senior Researcher, Huygens Institute

Website Development

Gijsjan Brouwer / Ruimdetijd.nl

Editorial Board

Peter de Bruijn, Senior Researcher, Huygens Institute
Sjoerd van Faassen, Associate Researcher, RKD
Hans Janssen †, Curator of Modern Art, Kunstmuseum Den Haag

Copy Editor

Sjoerd van Faassen, Associate Researcher, RKD

Scientific Advisory Committee

Prof. Yve-Alain Bois, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton NJ
Prof. Léon Hanssen, Tilburg University
Madalena Holtzman, Mondrian Holtzman Trust, Clinton CT
Prof. Dirk van Hulle, Antwerp University
Prof. Christa-Maria Lerm Hayes, University of Amsterdam
Dr. Hans Luijten, Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam
Prof. Ron Spronk, Queen’s University, Kingston / Radboud University Nijmegen
Prof. Nancy J. Troy, Stanford University
Francisca van Vloten, Marie Tak van Poortvliet Museum, Domburg
Prof. Michael White, York University
Prof. Marek Wieczorek, University of Washington, Seattle

Steering Committee

Prof. Lex Heerma van Voss, Director, Huygens Institute
Prof. Dirk van Miert, Director, Huygens Institute
Prof. Chris Stolwijk, Director, RKD
Anita Hopmans, Senior Program Manager, RKD
Sabine Craft-Giepmans, Head of Department Research & Development, RKD
Prof. Karina van Dalen, Head of Research Group Computational Literary Studies, Huygens Institute
Prof. Mariken Teeuwen, Head of Research Group Innovating Digital Editions, Huygens Institute
Reinier van ’t Zelfde, Information Manager, RKD
Marnix van Berchum, Product Owner (DI), Huygens Institute

Research Support

Charlotte van Beek, Project Assistant Joop Joosten archive, RKD
Manon Beentjes, Student Assistent, Huygens Institute
Laurens Kleine Deters, Research Assistant, RKD
Mara Kunstman, Research Assistant, RKD
Ger Ruigrok, Research Assistant, Huygens Institute
Marlein Sopers, Research Assistant, Huygens Institute
Evelien de Visser, Documentalist, RKD

Project Support

Loes Barnard, Service & Communications, RKD
Wietske Donkersloot, Project Manager, RKD
Ton Geerts, Project Manager, RKD
Annemiek te Stroete, Service & Communications, RKD
Tom Terschegget, Service & Communications, RKD
Thijs van der Veen, Communications Officer, Huygens Institute

Technical Support

Bram Buitendijk, Programmer / Developer, Huygens Institute
Bas Doppen, Interface Developer / Web Designer, Huygens Institute
Guido Gerritsen, Operations Manager, Huygens Institute
Hayco de Jong, Back-end Developer, Huygens Institute
Meindert Kroese, Programmer / Developer, Huygens Institute
Beatrice Nava, Researcher, Huygens Institute
Marielle Scherer, Data Manager, Huygens Institute
Daphne van Wijngaarden, Student Assistent, Huygens Institute


Obe Alkema
Sterre Collee
Clarissa Frascadore
Jitske Lamain
Chen Min Loh
Evelyne Shamier
Elja Verbaan-de Jong
Aurora Wilson Dyer Gough


On the basis of a one-year pilot project that was carried out in 2014, the Mondrian Edition Project started in 2015. The first part was published in March 2024 and contains Mondrian’s correspondence and published writings from 1892 till June 1919.

We will add to the content of part one in the course of 2024. Parts 2, 3 and 4 will consecutively be published in the upcoming years. New releases will be announced on this website.


The funding of the Mondrian Edition Project is partly covered by the RKD and Huygens ING’s own budget and the rest by external funding. We would like to express our gratitude to the following partners for their financial support to the project:

The funding of the Mondrian Edition Project is not yet complete. Benefactors and private parties who would like to offer their financial support can do so by contacting the Mondrian Edition Project via info@themondrianpapers.org. We are grateful for any support provided.